Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue

The Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, Inc. is a not for profit 501(c)3 corporation that provides emergency services to the Lake Monticello area and Fluvanna County. It consists of three operational units, Fire, Rescue, and Water Rescue as well as one support unit, the Auxiliary.
The purposes for which the corporation is formed are to engage in fire suppression, to provide rescue services, including water rescue, and such other public emergency services as may be determined pursuant to the Bylaws of the Corporation to the citizens of Fluvanna county and to enter into agreements of mutual assistance with similar public emergency service organizations for the provisions of such services within Fluvanna County and surrounding areas.


Divisions of the Corporation

Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue Inc. is an umbrella corporation which oversees and performs the official business of the four (4) primary divisions of the organization. Each of these divisions provides a different service to our community. All Organization-wide administrative decisions are made through the Board of Directors (BOD) and the Operational Chiefs. The Chiefs are in command of their respective units making all on-scene tactical and day to day operations decisions, while the Board of Director's main function is the fiscal management and administration of corporate business.


Division of Fire Services (Fire Department):

The Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department provides 24/7/365 on-call service to Lake Monticello, and Surrounding Fluvanna County. It is staffed with Seventy-Two certified, active firefighters, who have successfully completed the NFPA programs under Virginia Department of Fire Programs Curriculum for Firefighter I, Firefighter II, and Haz-Mat Awareness, and many other courses. The Fire Department is an eleven-apparatus company, with Two Engines, One Tower Ladder Aerial Truck, One Tanker, and One Brush Truck, One Squad Truck, One EMS Fly Car, One Hazardous Materials Unit, One Utility Tactical Unit and Rehabilitation Unit. They also have a Command Car, which is used by the Fire Chief for operational, command post and administrative purposes. More information about the Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department can be found on the Fire Department logo at the top of the home page.


Division of Water Rescue Services (Water Rescue and Dive Team):

The Lake Monticello Water Rescue and Dive Team provides 24/7/365 on-call service to Lake Monticello, Fluvanna County and surrounding jurisdictions via Mutual Aid. It is staffed with Operations level Swiftwater Rescue Technicians, Public Safety level divers, as well as boat operators, dive tenders, shore support and rope rescue technicians. The Water Rescue Team has a johnboat which is our workhouse unit, as well as a DIB Rescue Sled with a pumpjet motor for heavy water rescues, a Mercury inflatable boat, 2 Mokai jet powered kayaks, an airboat for shallow water and ice operations, two kayaks for quick deployment and a jetski for public events.  The team has three trucks, a rope rescue truck, a dive truck and swiftwater truck as well. More information about the Lake Monticello Water Rescue and Dive Team can be found on the Water Rescue logo at the top of the home page.


Division of Rescue Services (Rescue Squad):

The Rescue Squad provides 24/7/365 emergency medical services to the residents of Lake Monticello and the surrounding areas of Fluvanna County as our first due, as well as the entire County.  LMVRS are staffed with drivers, EMTs, A-EMTs, EMT-Is and EMT-Ps.  LMVRS provides at least one ambulance 24 hours a day, and sometimes can staff two ambulances.  More information can be found on the Rescue Squad logo at the top of the home page


R. John Lye, Richie Constantino and Howard Lagomarsino (not shown: Diane Moore)


Richie Constantino - Chief, Fire Department

Phone: (434) 589-5650


R. John Lye - Chief, Water Rescue Team

Phone: (434) 962-4628


   Howard Lagomarsino - Chief, Rescue Squad

   Phone: (434) 589-4108


   Diane Moore - President LMVFR Auxiliary

   Phone: (434) XXX-XXXX
